LVR with CPR Course (UETDRMP007-HLTAID009) – $130

The LVR/CPR course are delivered as a course set and include the following qualifications:

  • UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


This course set is suitable for electricity supply industry (ESI) workers and other individuals who need to acquire essential skills and knowledge in emergency response, specifically focusing on rescue operations from live low voltage (LV) electrical apparatus (excluding overhead lines and underground cables) and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in accordance with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.

The course combines practical knowledge with regulatory compliance to ensure participants can effectively respond to emergencies while adhering to work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) standards.

Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities


Learners must have one of the following units to meet the pre-requisite for this course set.

  • UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace or UETDREL006 Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker


Those holding an existing ESI or Electro-technology qualification, or equivalent meet the prerequisite unit requirements.  You will be required to upload proof of this qualification.


Course Duration:4 hours

  • 1 hours online pre-reading and assessment with up to 4 hours face-to-face learning and assessment


Delivery Dates:

  • Individuals: Please contact the office on (08) 9207 2900 to discuss your training needs
  • Corporate: Please contact the office on (08) 9207 2900 to discuss your training needs



  • Written assessments and practical scenario-based assessments


Mode of Delivery:

  • Blended – Online pre-reading and assessment coupled with face-to-face training and assessment


Entry Requirements:

  • Not specified by the Training Package, however, Learners attending the course will be required to demonstrate their physical ability to perform at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on an adult manikin place on the floor to meet performance criteria assessment.
  • If you are unsure whether your limitation will affect your ability to complete the course, do not hesitate to contact Time Critical on (08) 9207 2900.


Refund Policy:

  • 90% refund if cancelled more than 15 days prior to booked date
  • 50% refund if cancelled 14 -3 days prior to booked date
  • No refund if cancelled 3-0 days prior to booked date


Elements and Performance Criteria for UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel

Elements describe the essential outcomesPerformance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Prepare to perform rescue procedures from live LV panel1.1. Workplace requirements for the rescue are identified and confirmed
1.2. Electricity isolation point is identified
1.3.Rescue equipment including personal protective equipment (PPE) is obtained and inspected in accordance with workplace requirements.
2. Carry out rescue from live LV panel.2.1 Situation is assessed, and rescue response is activated in accordance with workplace requirements
2.2 Casualty is removed from the live LV panel in accordance with workplace requirements
3. Complete the LV panel rescue procedure.3.1 Casualty is assessed in accordance with workplace requirements
3.2 Incident site is secured, and entry controlled in accordance with workplace requirements
3.3 Incident is reported in accordance with workplace requirements.

HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Elements describe the essential outcomesPerformance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Respond to an emergency situation.1.1. Recognise and assess an emergency situation.
1.2. Ensure safety for self, bystanders and casualty.
1.3. Assess the casualty and recognise the need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
1.4. Seek assistance from emergency services.
2. Perform CPR procedures.2.1. Perform CPR in accordance with the ARC guidelines.
2.2. Display respectful behaviour towards casualty.
2.3. Operate an automated external defibrillator (AED) according to manufacturers’ instructions.
3. Communicate details of the incident.3.1. Accurately convey incident details to emergency services.
3.2. Report details of incident in line with appropriate workplace or site procedures.
3.3. Maintain privacy and confidentiality of information in line with statutory or organisational policies.
4. Review the incident.4.1. Recognise the possible psychological impacts on self and other rescuers and seek help when required.
4.2. Contribute to a review of the first aid response as required.

UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel


Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria on one occasion and include:

  • identifying organisational rescue requirements
  • identifying hazards, assessing risks and applying control measures
  • identifying the isolation point
  • obtaining and inspecting rescue equipment
  • fitting of rescue personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • performing a rescue from a live low voltage (LV) panel in accordance with workplace requirements.

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria and include knowledge of:

  • organisational procedures for the rescue of a casualty from a live LV panel including:
    • inspection and placement of rescue equipment
    • types and application of rescue PPE
    • assessment and control hazards to rescuer, casualty and others
    • isolation identification procedures
    • safe approach distances (SAD) appropriate to rescue from a live LV panel
    • assessment of situation
    • activation of emergency response
    • electrical contact release
    • removal of casualty to safe location
    • assessment of casualty
    • incident site security

HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the workplace or community setting.

There must be evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks in line with State/Territory regulations, first aid codes of practice, first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies and workplace or site procedures:

  • managed, in line with ARC guidelines, the unconscious, breathing casualty including appropriate positioning to reduce the risk of airway compromise
  • managed, in line with ARC guidelines, the unconscious, non-breathing adult, including:
    • performing at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (5 cycles of both compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor
    • following the prompts of an automated external defibrillator (AED) to deliver at least one shock
    • demonstrating a rotation of single rescuer operators with minimal interruptions to compressions
    • responding appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting
    • handing over to emergency services
    • providing an accurate verbal report of the incident
    • reviewing the incident
  • managed, in line with ARC guidelines, the unconscious, non-breathing infant, including:
    • performing at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm surface.

Knowledge Evidence

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • guidelines and procedures including:
    • relevant ARC guidelines to managing the unconscious breathing and non-breathing casualty and provision of CPR
    • potential incident hazards and risk minimisation processes when providing first aid
    • infection control procedures, including use of standard precautions and resuscitation barrier devices
    • requirements for currency of skill and knowledge
    • first aid codes of practice
    • appropriate workplace or site procedures relevant to the provision of first aid
  • legal, workplace and community considerations, including:
    • duty of care requirements
    • own skills and limitations
    • consent and how it relates to the conscious and unconscious casualty
    • privacy and confidentiality requirements
    • awareness of potential need for stress management techniques and available support for rescuers
  • considerations when providing CPR, including:
    • upper airway and effect of positional change
    • appropriate duration and cessation of CPR
    • appropriate use of an AED
    • safety and maintenance procedures for an AED
    • chain of survival
    • how to access emergency services
  • techniques for providing CPR to adults, children and infants including:
    • how to recognise that a casualty is unconscious and not breathing normally
    • rate, ratio and depth of compressions and ventilations
    • correct hand positioning for compressions
    • basic anatomy, physiology and the differences between adults, children and infants relating to CPR.

Course Essentials

Course code

UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel
HLTAID009 Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation


4 hours

